
Multi-factor Authentication

Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) to keep your account secure.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an additional layer of security to your user account, by requiring a second factor to verify your user identity. Supabase allows users to enable MFA on their account and set it as a requirement for subsequent logins.

Supported authentication factors

Currently, Supabase supports adding a unique time-based one-time password (TOTP) to your user account as an additional security factor. You can manage your TOTP factor using apps such as 1Password, Authy, Google Authenticator or Apple's Keychain.

Enable MFA

You can enable MFA for your user account under your Supabase account settings. Enabling MFA will result in all other user sessions to be automatically logged out and forced to sign-in again with MFA.

Login with MFA

Once you've enabled MFA for your Supabase user account, you will be prompted to enter your second factor challenge code as seen in your preferred TOTP app.

Disable MFA

You can disable MFA for your user account under your Supabase account settings. On subsequent login attempts, you will not be prompted to enter a MFA code.