
Custom Access Token Hook

Customize the access token issued by Supabase Auth

The custom access token hook runs before a token is issued and allows you to add additional claims based on the authentication method used.

Claims returned must conform to our specification. Supabase Auth will check for these claims after the hook is run and return an error if they are not present.

These are the fields currently available on an access token:

Required Claims: aud, exp, iat, sub, email, phone, role, aal, session_id Optional Claims: jti, iss, nbf, app_metadata, user_metadata, amr


user_idstringUnique identifier for the user attempting to sign in.
claimsobjectClaims which are included in the access token.
authentication_methodstringThe authentication method used to request the access token. Possible values include: oauth, password, otp, totp, recovery, invite, sso/saml, magiclink, email/signup, email_change, token_refresh, anonymous.

"user_id": "8ccaa7af-909f-44e7-84cb-67cdccb56be6",
"claims": {
"aud": "authenticated",
"exp": 1715690221,
"iat": 1715686621,
"sub": "8ccaa7af-909f-44e7-84cb-67cdccb56be6",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"app_metadata": {},
"user_metadata": {},
"role": "authenticated",
"aal": "aal1",
"amr": [ { "method": "anonymous", "timestamp": 1715686621 } ],
"session_id": "4b938a09-5372-4177-a314-cfa292099ea2",
"is_anonymous": true
"authentication_method": "anonymous"


Return these only if your hook processed the input without errors.

claimsobjectThe updated claims after the hook has been run.

You can allow registered admin users to perform restricted actions by granting an admin claim to their token.

Create a profiles table with an is_admin flag:

create table profiles (
user_id uuid not null primary key references auth.users (id),
is_admin boolean not null default false

Create a hook:

create or replace function public.custom_access_token_hook(event jsonb)
returns jsonb
language plpgsql
as $$
claims jsonb;
is_admin boolean;
-- Check if the user is marked as admin in the profiles table
select is_admin into is_admin from profiles where user_id = (event->>'user_id')::uuid;
-- Proceed only if the user is an admin
if is_admin then
claims := event->'claims';
-- Check if 'app_metadata' exists in claims
if jsonb_typeof(claims->'app_metadata') is null then
-- If 'app_metadata' does not exist, create an empty object
claims := jsonb_set(claims, '{app_metadata}', '{}');
end if;
-- Set a claim of 'admin'
claims := jsonb_set(claims, '{app_metadata, admin}', 'true');
-- Update the 'claims' object in the original event
event := jsonb_set(event, '{claims}', claims);
end if;
-- Return the modified or original event
return event;
grant all
on table public.profiles
to supabase_auth_admin;
revoke all
on table public.profiles
from authenticated, anon, public;